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Functional, but Lazy Python

With FLPy, improve the readibility of your programs by leveraging functional programming.


FLPy has no external dependencies, and can be installed using pip:

pip install flpy


Given an input sequence x, print all, but the first, squared values that are divisible by 3 and collect the result into a list.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]  # Input sequence

# Usual way

>>> squares = map(lambda v: v * v, x)
>>> squares_div_by_3 = filter(lambda v: v % 3 == 0, squares)
>>> y = list(squares_div_by_3)[1:]  # We skip one value
>>> for v in y:
...     print(v)
>>> y
[36, 81]

# FLPy way

>>> from flpy import It

>>> y = (
...     It(x)
...     .map('|v| v * v')  # You can also use lambda or any other callable
...     .filter('|v| v % 3 == 0')
...     .skip(1)
...     .collect()  # Collects the iterator into a list
...     .for_each('|v| print(v)')  # Yet it still returns the list to `y`
... )
>>> y
ItA<[36, 81]>


Non-exhaustive list of ideas.

  1. Implement parallel iterators

  2. Add kwargs support for built-in functions

  3. Increase # of examples

  4. Improve docs

  5. Write contribution guidelines

  6. Setup mypy

  7. Add unitary tests

  8. Add benchmarks vs. pure Python to measure overhead

  9. Add support for async iterators


Contributor Guide

Work in progress..

Index et tables